Writing, musing and all that tango
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In the flow of Nature
Put the phone down, open the door, and spend some days in the moorland. Eat…
The dance of letting go
Never in my life, have I danced more than during 2024. From the moment I…
The Dance of Yes
Any guide map worthy of the name includes the ‘You are here’ signage. It normally…
Why tango heals
The conference Transformations: The Healing Power of Tango came to a close and I left…
Drop the project
Why you dance?
Since I moved to Totnes, a couple of months ago, I’ve been attending weekly dance…
The medicine of tango
Because we bring to the embrace exactly who we are, if we are not entirely…
The dance of welcome
I moved recently to a new town in the UK, Totnes, where I wanted to…
On stillness
What to do if you are lost? The advice I get is to walk as…

“There is a rhythm in the flow that’s come out of your groups, which is fascinating.”
Patricia Nunn
Tango teacher and psychotherapist

“We are starved for connection, communication… and a talk like this… you kind of want to hold onto it.”
Veronica Toumanova
Tango teacher and writer

“It’s been wonderful… to be able to reflect, analyze and make contact with other people.”
Madeline Lees
Tango community leader

“I feel like the depth’s brought to the surface. These conversations are so inspiring.”
Alla Petcheniouk
Tango dancer

“These conversations have gifted me with many new insights, reflections and connections… Such a joy to be part of.”
Tilda Storm
Life coach/tarot reader
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